Polynucleotides: A Breakthrough in Skincare

Discover the power of Polynucleotides, a cutting-edge bio-stimulation treatment which stimulates collagen and elastin production in the skin's dermis. This revolutionary approach goes beyond conventional methods, delivering lasting results for a more youthful appearance.

Key Benefits of Polynucleotides:

  1. Deep Skin Hydration: Replenishes moisture at the cellular level, leaving skin supple and refreshed.

  2. Smoothing of Fine Lines and Wrinkles: Actively softens visible signs of aging, promoting a smoother complexion.

  3. Boosting of Collagen and Elastin Levels: Enhances essential proteins, contributing to improved skin elasticity.

  4. Dermal Remodeling Over Time: Reshapes and redefines the skin's structure, providing long-term benefits.

  5. Healthy, Hydrated, and Glowing Complexion: Achieves an overall radiant appearance with improved skin health.

Polynucleotides are not limited to skincare; they extend their benefits to the scalp and can promote enhanced blood supply and potential hair growth. The treatment stimulates the body's natural processes, with polynucleotides acting as messengers to boost collagen, reduce wrinkles, and improve skin elasticity.

Q: What areas can be treated?

Any areas of the body can be treated with Polynucleotides, with the most popular areas being the under eyes, face and neck.

Q: What is the downtime?

There's very minimal downtime with Polynucleotides. Occasionally, there may be raised bumps at the injection points, but these typically subside within a few hours. While there is a small risk of bruising and/or swelling, these effects are generally temporary.

Q: How often can I have Polynucleotides?

The advised treatment schedule for Polynucleotides involves 2-3 sessions, spaced two weeks apart initially. Following this, a maintenance schedule of every 6-9 months is recommended for optimal results. However, it's worth noting that more sessions can be done without risk, and some patients opt for sessions once every three months as an alternative to the conventional treatment schedule.


Polynucleotides Eyes | Face | Scalp £250 per session

£700 for three sessions

At a Glance

Time: 15 mins

Duration: Up to 6 months

Sessions: Best result with 3 sessions 2-3 weeks apart

Downtime: Minimal. Swelling settles within 1 day

Anaesthetic: Topical aneaesthetic

Our Approach

Our clinic is doctor led offering treatments with proven results to give you natural results and healthy skin.