Clinically proven to reduce the appearance of acne scars, SkinPen is the first microneedling device with FDA clearance for scar management.

Why Choose SkinPen for Microneedling?

  • SkinPen rejuvenates from the inside out for younger looking skin.

  • SkinPen is the first FDA-cleared microneedling device.

  • SkinPen is proven safe and effective, delivering results that last up to six months.

  • SkinPen is a quick-and-easy treatment with little to no downtime.

  • SkinPen is proven to improve the appearance of acne scars, surgical scars, wrinkles on the face and neck, large pores and pigmentation.

At a Glance

Duration: 30 minutes

Results: 28 days after and continues to improve for up to 6 months

Number of Sessions: 3 sessions 3days apart

Downtime: Minimal


Q Does it hurt?

We apply numbing cream prior to treatment so it is relatively pain free. The treatment can sting a little, but most patients tolerate this sensation comfortably.

Q Are there any side effects?

SkinPen is a very safe treatment suitable for all skin types at any time of year. Your face may be a little sore for a day after treatment but this is part of healing process which achieves results. Any risk of side effects will be discussed in detail with you during your consultation.

Q What result can I expect?

We usually recommend starting your SkinPen plan with 3 treatments 30 days apart. Depending on how your skin responds and the size and severity of the area being treated, this can vary. Following treatment you should expect to see a visible reduction in acne scarring. Maintenance treatments may be required to support and optimise your result.

Q Is it safe?

SkinPen is the first microneedling treatment for acne scarring to have received FDA clearance. SkinPen has a very good safety record. Your microneedling tip is only used for your treatment which removes risk of cross contamination.

Our Approach

Our clinic is doctor led offering treatments with proven results to give you natural results and healthy skin.